A Day in the Life of a Ryderwear Athlete: Lauren Simpson

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Embrace who you are and channel your energy into that”

Our Ryderwear athletes are more than just the sculpted cores and sweat-soaked workouts you see on your Instagram feeds. They’re real people, leading real lives beyond the lens, each with their own ambitions, anxieties and adversities to overcome.

What we want to do is offer a window into the people behind the physique. Sure, part of that is what they eat and how they train, but also their stories, their passions and their habits. How did they get to where they are today? What influences an influencer?

Lauren Simpson is a Ryderwear athlete and fitness model who has dedicated her life helping women transform their lives and achieve their fitness. From content creation, to clients, photoshoots and so much more, step into the shoes of Lauren Simpson.  

5:30am: Breakfast, coffee, emails, and DM’s

“An early morning routine is so important, I like to make my day as productive as possible. I always wake up early and start off with coffee and breakfast. For those that know me, I like to keep my breakfast pretty simple. My ‘busy girl breakfast’ usually consists of egg whites and toast with some butter and/or jam.” 

“I then get straight into my admin work for my business, Lauren Simpson Fitness. Usually overnight I get a lot of DM’s on Instagram, and I always like to answer everyone. If someone takes the time out to talk to me, I want to take the time out to speak to them as well. Same with emails. I usually have plenty to go through with new and existing clients. It’s so amazing seeing their transformations.” 

“I also try to plan out content that I’m going to post on Insta that day too. I like to take some time out of my morning to make sure that I am all set with content.” 

6am: My fave Ryderwear outfits

“Now is when I get changed into my favourite Ryderwear outfits. I live in my Ryderwear, I’m not going to lie haha! My favourite collection right now would have to be my own! I want every woman who wears it to feel both strong and feminine, and that they can achieve anything they put their minds to.”

“I also try to do some housework around this time too!”

6:30am: Client check in 

“This is the part of the day where I spend time with my clients. Doing check ins, meal planning, answering any questions, and making sure that my girls are always set up for success!” 

9am: Snack

“I was feeling a little hungry this morning, so I decided to have a protein shake. Protein intake is so important, especially when you’re training and wanting to grow muscles. I practice what I preach and have a protein shake when necessary.” 

9:30am: Photoshoot time 

“While photoshoots are tough, they are absolutely one of my favourite things to do because I get to work with my team! This shoot was super simple, and just to get some extra content for Insta and my upcoming challenge. So excited for it.” 

12pm: Train

“I know, it's strange, don’t judge me haha! But I find that training at this time works best for me and my schedule. I like to be able to do some work in the morning as that's when I feel the most fresh and in the zone to do work. After I get that done, I then feel like I can be in the best mental space to smash out a workout.  Especially if I am training at the gym, it’s usually a lot quieter too.”

“Today I trained legs, and it was such a burner. Check it out below.” 

A1) Good Mornings 3x 8-10 I Like A Slow & Controlled Tempo Here To Maximise The Stretch In The Glute/Hamstring Area.

A2) Reverse Hack 3x 10-12 As 1 & 1/4


B1) Sumo Deadlift Paused 3x 8-10

B2) Bulgarian Split Squat Paused 3x 8-10


C1) Glute Bridge 3x 12-15

C2) Standing Abduction 3x 12-15


Back Extension Drop Set:

D1) Weighted & Band 2x 10

D2) Band Only 2x 10

D3) Body Weight Only 2x 10

1:30pm: Lunch

“Today for lunch was super basic, but easily one of my essential meals, rice paper rolls! I love filling them with veggies and protein and herbs. So delicious, easy, filling, plus 

I also decided to take some extra rest time today as well, so after I ate, I scrolled through social media for a little while too.”  

2:30pm Content creation 

“Everything that I do in regards to fitness and business is so heavily influenced by social media. I am constantly needing to create content and make sure that I have things to post. I love going on Instagram Stories and answering people's questions that I get regularly, and that was what I decided to do today.”

“I also snacked on fruit throughout the day too!”

5pm: Meal prep

“Around this time I wanted to get a head start on the rest of the week, so I decided to meal prep for the next few days. I knew the rest of my week was going to be super busy, so I made a few of my meals for the week.” 

“I like to use different proteins when I make my meals to keep them interesting!” 

7pm Dinner and dessert 

“I had dinner around this time too! I usually have a meat mince type stir fry with veggies and rice if that’s what I am in the mood for. I like to keep my meals pretty basic.” 

“I also had dessert because I was craving a little something extra! I made my super popular ‘jam and cream scones’ and they were so delicious and satisfying. If you’re wanting a lower calorie dessert option, give this a go!” 

1 Spiced fruit English muffin

2 tbsp smooth light ricotta

2 tbsp No added sugar strawberry jam

1 tbsp sugar free maple syrup 


Halve and toast English muffin.

Spread jam over muffin and top with ricotta & maple syrup.

8:30pm: Night routine 

“My night routine is pretty standard, I really try to wind down and get to bed as soon as possible to get a good night sleep. Sometimes I’ll watch a TV show if I have a little extra time. It’s a good way to just switch off from work and other responsibilities. I like to stay in, so by the time the end of the day comes, I’m usually super tired and ready for bed!” 

Shop Lauren Simpson x Ryderwear here
