Work From Home: Keep Fit with this Bodyweight Workout

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No matter what 2021 throws at you, one thing that can remain consistent is your workout routine. Whether you’ve got some equipment, an at-home gym, or a living room that you’re about to turn into a gym, we’ve got a heap of home workouts to keep you going through any challenge. 

We’ve teamed up with PUSHH - the number one resistance training app, to create this full body workout to keep you healthy while housebound!



Set Up
Start in the standing position and take one large step forward. Keep both toes pointing forward with your back heel off the ground. Place your hands on your hips and slightly lean forward so your weight is on your front leg. This is your starting position.

Exercise Steps
1. Lower yourself down in a controlled manner until your back knee is just off the ground.

2. Push through the ground to bring yourself back up to the starting position.

3. Repeat on the same side for reps or time before completing on the other.

- Engage through your core to keep your back straight.
- If you are having trouble with balance and need some assistance, you can use something stable like a wall or rack.
- Try to keep your knees, hips and ankles all in line throughout the movement.
- Add a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells if you want to add resistance.

 1, 1,4 SQUATS

Set Up
Set your feet up roughly shoulder width apart with your toes slightly pointing out. Place your hands on your shoulders or on your hips. This is your starting position.

Exercise Steps
1. Lower yourself down by bending at the knees and flexing at the hips until your thighs are at least parallel with the floor.

2. Push through the floor to bring yourself up in a small pulse like movement before returning to the bottom of your squat again.

3. Push through the floor to bring yourself back up to the starting position.

4. Repeat for reps or time.

- Brace your core and keep your back straight throughout the movement.
- If you cannot get your thighs to parallel without your heels lifting off the ground, you may need to work on mobility through your ankles. Just go to your max depth without your heels lifting off the ground.
- Squeeze your glutes on the way back up to the starting position. Twist your feet into the ground outwards to aid with this.
- Keep your knees inline with your feet throughout the movement. Try to avoid them caving inwards. Screwing your feet into the ground will also help with this.
- You may add a band to add a little more resistance to your glutes and to help you keep your knees in line with your feet.
- You should be spreading your weight evenly through your feet, not on your heels, or on your toes. Think of your foot like a tripod. Big toe, little toe and heel.
- You may need to experiment with your stance (width and angle of your feet) to find the position that feels the most natural to you in order to get maximum depth.
- Try adding dumbbells, kettlebells or  barbells for added resistance.


Set Up
Set your feet up roughly shoulder width apart with your toes slightly pointing out. Place your hands on your shoulders or on your hips. This is your starting position.

Exercise Steps

1. Lower yourself down by bending at the knees and flexing at the hips until your thighs are at least parallel with the floor.

2. Push through the floor to bring yourself up in a small pulse like movement before returning to the bottom of your squat again.

3. Repeat this pulse like movement for reps or time.

- Brace your core and keep your back straight throughout the movement.
- If you cannot get your thighs to parallel without your heels lifting off the ground, you may need to work on mobility through your ankles. Just go to your max depth without your heels lifting off the ground.
- Squeeze your glutes on the way back up to the starting position. Twist your feet into the ground outwards to aid with this.
- Keep your knees in line with your feet throughout the movement. Try to avoid them caving inwards. Screwing your feet into the ground will also help with this.
- You can complete this exercise with a band if you want added resistance.
- You should be spreading your weight evenly through your feet, not on your heels, or on your toes. Think of your foot like a tripod. Big toe, little toe and heel.
- You may need to experiment with your stance (width and angle of your feet) to find the position that feels the most natural to you in order to get maximum depth.
- Try adding dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells etc for some added resistance.



Set Up

Place a mini band around your lower thighs just above your knees. Sitting down next to a bench, lift your hips off the ground using the bench for support. Your feet should be shoulder width apart with your toes slightly pointing out. The bench should be sitting just below your shoulder blades. Lift one leg up in the air keeping the other planted in position. This is your starting position.

Exercise Steps

1. Pushing your planted foot directly down into the ground, lift your hips up by contracting your glutes.

2. Control back down to the start position.

3. Complete for reps or time on one side before completing on the other.



- At the top of the lift, your shins should be perpendicular to the ground.

- If you're feeling it in your quads, make sure you are pushing your feet straight down into the ground and not away from you. You may need to move your feet further away also.

- If you're feeling it in your hamstrings, make sure you are not pulling your feet in towards you. You may also need to move your feet a little further in.


- If a bench is unavailable you can use any other stable platform such as a box, step, or couch.



Set Up
|Put the mini band on and place it around your lower thighs just above your knees. Lay down on your back on a mat (optional) with your knees bent and feet firmly planted on the ground a little wider than hip width apart. Your hands can be down on the floor beside you. This is your starting position.

Exercise Steps

1. Drive your feet straight into the ground as you lift your hips up, focusing on squeezing your glutes.

2. Control back down to the floor in a controlled manner.

3. Complete for reps or time.


- Avoid arching your lower back.

- If you are feeling your quads contract, make sure you are pushing your feet straight down into the ground and not away from you. 


Set Up
Put the mini band on and place it around your lower thighs just above your knees. Lay down on your back on a mat (optional) with your knees bent and feet firmly planted on the ground a little wider than hip width apart. Your hands can be down on the floor beside you. This is your starting position.

Exercise Steps

1. Drive your feet straight into the ground as you lift your hips up, focusing on squeezing your glutes.

2. Hold in this position for time.

- Avoid arching your lower back.

- If you are feeling your quads contract, make sure you are pushing your feet straight down into the ground and not away from you.

- Aim to keep your knees out inline with your feet. There should be tension on the band throughout the whole exercise.

Congrats! You've just taken another step towards your best self. We know being healthy is about more than just working out, which is why we've written a ton of recovery, nutrition & mindfulness articles on our Ryderwear HQ blog. Check them out here
